Setting a financial operation apart from the crowd

We are a team of multi-skilled and curious digital specialists who are always up for a challenge and learning as fast as digital is changing.

Make sure your social media is up to date with all your latest developments and promotion and try and get the local communities awareness of your achievements.

Producing notable, original work requires more than a strategy, beautiful design, well structured development or a responsive layout. Remarkable work is created only when together, with our clients, we follow these three principles

Make sure your social media is up to date with all your latest developments and promotion and try and get the local communities awareness of your achievements.


So, the height and width is not fixed, and it is calculated dynamically according to the diminutions of the window. Under that div, there is another one that has the ID header “navigation bar”, the header is initially positioned relatively under div.fullscreen – however, I am trying to position it as Fixed when the top of the #header reaches the top of the browser window. So here is what I am playing around, it toggles the Fixed style, but it does not toggle it at the right place…

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